Supply Chain Champion: Gus Crotti

TIME at SCM/UCSF: 17+ years
FAVORITE MOVIE: A tie between Shawshank Redemption and Being There
FAVORITE BOOK: Slaughterhouse Five
FAVORITE FOODAny Shrimp or pork dish

WHAT HE DOES: Crotti delivers mail and packages daily to various UCSF sites. “I start out at Oyster point. I grab my mail there,” said Crotti. “My route is Mission Center Building (MCB) in the morning and avenues, which encompasses the medical center, some other stops and Mulberry Union and then more stops on the way back to the warehouse. That basically fills the day.”

While most days are what Crotti calls “predictable in a good way,” he has seen a few unusual things during his route. “A couple things I won’t talk about,” joked Crotti. “But about four months ago, I was in the back of the medical center and there was this three-year-old girl who was just by herself. I pulled over and found out she had walked down from this childcare center. Right as I came upon her, I saw her mom was like half a block away waving her arms and then UCSF Police were right there. That was memorable.”

ONE OF THE MORE CHALLENGING PARTS OF THE JOB: “The time constraints. It’s about getting things done by a certain time. If you get thrown off by one thing in the morning, your afternoon run, even though it’s separate from it, will suffer. It’s basically the time constraints.”

BEST PART ABOUT WORKING AT SCM: “On a day like today, it’s a beautiful day, it’s really nice to be out and about. It’s nice getting out of the warehouse. And I really do like my customers. There are a lot of them that I’m on a first-name basis with and it’s nice to see how everybody’s doing. That’s definitely a plus.”

“Gus is a dedicated employee with great attention on his assigned duties. He is organized and serious about his work.  He has established a great rapport with his customers on his mail routes and takes everything in stride. ” – George Sampior, Logistics Distribution Manager

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