Information technology accessibility is a priority within the University of California system and procurement is one of the most important and challenging components of this transition. If accessibility is taken into account at the time technology is acquired, each campus may avoid the expense of retroactive customization or the even more costly attempt to provide individualized accommodation.
The UC Berkeley Web Accessibility team has created tools to help units purchase the most accessible products. The new tools include:
  • UC Web Accessibility Requirements Questionnaire 
  • Instructions for Buyers Regarding Accessibility Requirements for Information Technology Purchases
  • Non-Negotiable Web Accessibility Violations
By including these tools in the purchasing process, you can ensure that products and services your unit purchases are as accessible as possible. You can check out these three documents in the Box buyer repository, and you will find additional resources and tips on the Berkeley Web Access website.

For UC Berkeley departments, the Web Access team is also available to help evaluate potential product purchases. Contact them at for more information.

Web Accessibility Questionnaire

This document, available to UC Berkeley and UCSF buyers through the Box buyer document repository, features language, considerations and requirements to use in the acquisition of websites and includes a compliance report for vendors to fill out. By filling out the compliance report, vendors can state whether or not their products meet the required WCAG 2.0 AA criteria.

The criteria listed in the compliance report are ranked in terms of criticality (critical, important, and desired). If products do not meet certain criteria, vendors can indicate remediation plans, and/or a description of possible workarounds.

It is very important for buyers to pay attention to the plans to remediate, as well as any possible workarounds, as these plans and workarounds will help determine if disabled users will be able to use the products. This information will also help estimate if the unit will be responsible for additional accommodation costs if an inaccessible product is purchased.

Ultimately, department managers and staff are expected to make sure that all of the UC community can use our tools and services. The department/unit purchasing a product is required to pick up the cost of accommodating a user if the product they choose is inaccessible.

If a supplier indicates that they do not meet one or more of the criteria listed as critical in the Web Accessibility Requirements Questionnaire, the risk to the department/unit should generally be considered unacceptable. Not meeting these particular criteria may cost the unit a very significant amount of resources to provide for accommodations in the event of a request from an individual with a disability.

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